Light in Babylon – Hinech Yafa (You Are Beautiful)

Tempo di lettura: 2 minuti

Questa meravigliosa e commovente canzone dei Light in Babylon  (nel video l’esibizione tenutasi per le strade di Istanbul) narra di un amore struggente perso per le strade di una città sotto assedio. Il gruppo di musica folk è tra quelli di maggior successo in Turchia e non solo: nato nel 2010, unisce culture diverse, con musicisti provenienti da Israele, Francia, Scozia e Gran Bretagna. La diversità è un valore inestimabile su cui fondare un mondo di cultura, pace, allegria, speranza e felicità per tutto il genere umano: la bellezza della vita non ha confini geografici.

Hinech Yafa

Bemitati kvar shavu-ot
Bikashti et she’ahava nafshi
Velo metsa’ativ
Khipasti bein kol rekhovot ha’ir
Hamele’at shkarim hazot
Velo metsa’ativ
Matse’uni hashomrim
Hasovevim ba’ir
Akh ahuvi, od lo matsati otto
Akh lo arpeh mimeno
Ad she’avio el tokh iri
El beit imi ve’el khadri
El mitati
Hinekh yafa ra’ayati
U’siftotayikh khut shani
Shinayikh levanot
Ke’or halevana
Mi zot olah min hamidbar
Me’erets rekhoka
Niset al knaf tsipor gdola
Hegia el beiti
Hinekh yafa ra’ayati
Ani nitraf bishtei einayikh
Asher sorfot otti
Ke’esh halehava
Mi zot olah min hamidbar
Me’erets rekhoka
Niset al knaf tsipor gdola
Hegia el beiti

You Are Beautiful

In my bed, it’s been weeks
Since I wished for my loved one
And I could not find him
I have searched all around the city streets
This full-of-lies city
And I could not find him
I was found by the guards
Who patrol the city
But my loved one, I have yet to find him
But I will not let him go
Until I bring him to my city
To my mother’s home and into my room
Into my bed
You are so beautiful, my wife
And your lips are like a crimson string
Your teeth are white
Like the light of the moon
Who is this girl that’s rising from the desert
From a faraway land
Carried upon a mighty bird’s wing
Coming to my home
You are so beautiful, my wife
I am captivated by your eyes
Which are burning me
Like roaring flames
Who is this girl that’s rising from the desert
From a faraway land
Carried upon a mighty bird’s wing
Coming to my home

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